We’re often taught the lie that if we do enough—prove ourselves, give endlessly—we’ll finally become worthy or get the love we seek. But this mindset stems from a place of lack, creating a cycle of over-giving that traps both partners in a dynamic of proving who is more valuable.
This lesson helps you break free from that pattern by shifting your focus to a state of Being. When you understand that you already are whole and abundant, you no longer need to seek validation or fulfillment from your partner. Instead, you can connect from a place of inner confidence and self-worth, embodying the flow of Be, then Have, then Do.
Learn to anchor in your inherent value, cultivate abundance from within, and share your overflow with your partner—building a relationship rooted in authenticity, not proving or lack.
Journal Promts
Journal Prompts
Reflect on a time when you felt you had to prove your worth in a relationship. What were you trying to gain or prove?
How does the belief that “doing enough will make me worthy” show up in your life? Where do you think this belief originated?
When I consider the idea of Being, what does it mean to me to feel whole and abundant in myself?
What is something I can give to myself right now that I often seek from my partner?
How would my relationships change if I approached them from a place of abundance rather than lack or proving?
Connection with your partner
Conversation Starters with Your Partner
What does the idea of “giving” in a relationship mean to you? How do you feel when you’re giving versus when you’re receiving?
Have you ever felt like we’ve fallen into the trap of trying to prove our value to each other? How did it affect us?
What does it feel like when you’re connecting with me from a place of overflow rather than obligation or expectation?
How can we support each other in showing up as whole, confident individuals in our relationship?
Let’s each share one thing we appreciate about ourselves and one thing we appreciate about each other without attaching it to actions or achievements.
There are many yoga and somatic exercises to physically practice opening your heart and signaling your nervous system that its safe to slow down and receive